Hi CSRL Supporters,

This past winter was forecasted to be mild by many weather people due to the la nina global weather patterns. Well as we have all seen that just did not happen. We've had more winter weather and temperatures than experienced in at least four years. The crops in Florida and other normally warmer states could have benefited from the newer Aquaritin Foliar Spray. 

We would have been wiser to plan using the Farmer's Almanac: https://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/zipcode/22030#

So, pond owners got a break from treating pollution and excess nutrients during January 2022. In February we're supposed to see some temperature fluctuations that allow for a treatment, then in March we need to be on the lookout for nuisance weeds starting their growth. The sooner nuisance weeds are treated the labor, selective herbicide is much less. Not only that but you have the opportunity to create diatom blooms which have been proven to prevent weeds like watermeal, duckweed and pondweeds. Our charity is available to provide you the guidance, supplies and dosages you need for Aquaritin and beneficial bacteria. Get your plans worked out now so you are not behind the curve this spring!


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